Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Technology Affordances and Constraints

Related imageIt seems nowadays children are more technologically advanced, and very much blessed at some schools. When I attended grammar school, we were so happy to have a couple of PC computers in each classroom. It was a very big deal when they gave us the “Computer lab” with about fifteen PC computers in it. I believe that was what you called technology affordances in my school. Today, schools have so many technological affordances. You will see iPads, smart boards, flat screens, laptops, and my favorite, the smart table. When I was growing, I heard about all the schools in low income areas that did not receive computers, and this was a constraint in terms of education.

There are so many advantages in having technology in your classroom. This should be something you consider, whether you are a teacher or a parent. Daycares and Preschool are so advanced today, because we can record your child’s day through apps. And because it is recorded on the app, a parent may log in and inquire on their child’s day right away instead of waiting to get to the schools. Smart boards and other assistive technology is being used to help children with special needs advance and feel like they are a part of their classroom community. We know that technology is helping children positively develop in all domains. The fact is, not all early childhood schools are being supplied with these technology affordances. In fact, many are feeling the technology constraints. They are not receiving the technology skills they should be receiving for their age group. We must push the Board of Education to make sure all children are equally receiving these technological tools in their classrooms. It is sad to see some of the differences we see in our schools.

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