Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Media Literacy

Image result for media literacy in the classroom
            Media literacy is the capacity to understand, analyze and critique the media, and to meaningfully participate with messages in print, audio, video, and internet use. The question is, why is media literacy important? To be involved to the twenty first century and education and work field, you will need some knowledge and use of media literacy.

            Our brain processes all sorts of information from a variety of media sources. Through ISTE, teachers can use media literacy along with the curriculum to help children develop knowledge, understanding or skill in a specific area. Media literacy will guide children in developing logical thinking, language development, and literacy and production skills. Media literacy is crucial in school, especially elementary and high school grades. There are many reasons why a student uses media literacy in their learning. They may use media and a pedagogical tool, to identify sources for their topic, and develop awareness and credibility for the topic and question they are researching. Because of the growing era of media literacy use, children will need to gain the knowledge and skills to one day obtain a job. The work force is using media literacy more and more each year. While working in a daycare, the teachers and I use media literacy each week for curriculum instruction reasons. As a director, I have used media literacy in at least once a week.

            I can appreciate the use of media literacy in our schools, because it prepares them for the future. By the time these students are out of high school, they will have already been familiar or have mastered media literacy. Their future careers will for sure use media in some way.

Image result for media literacy

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