Wednesday, January 25, 2017


TPACK stands for Technological Pedagogy Content Knowledge a is a framework that identifies the knowledge teachers need to teach effectively with technology. Before today I had never heard of TPACK, but I find it very interesting and innovative. Of course, I, like so many of my colleagues want to bring and use technology in the classroom and use it along with our curriculum. The idea here is to teach the curriculum using TPACK.

So, we want to be 21st century teachers, right? You have this developmentally appropriate curriculum; how do you combine it with technology? Succeeding in this will help keep the 21st century children in your classroom engaged and grasping the content, and you will then have this understanding of what is good for their learning. The following is an example of using the concept of TPACK in your early childhood curriculum:

6A.ECa                                    Count with understanding and recognize "how many" in small sets up to five
Using one-to-one correspondence, in counting how many children in attendance. Each day a different child will get a turn.
Demonstrate engagement and sustained attention in actives
Yoga                                                                         On a big screen for the entire classroom to follow
4.D.ECa                                 Recognize own name and common signs and labels in the environment    
Pictures next to labels            Names on cards at assigned seat

            Children of today are born into a world that is more technologically advanced than when we were growing up. The children can use the Internet and play games, work on projects and express themselves. Through technology, you can teach and make sure all the developmental, physical, and social-emotional standards are being met.


Wednesday, January 18, 2017

What I hope to get out of this class.

Image result for preschool director
Technology, technology, and more technology! Whether we like it or not technology is everywhere, and we use it in our everyday lives. I will admit I am still that person that goes to the book store and buys the actual book. Oh, I love reading! No, I will never buy a reading nook. And no, I will never download a book I am interested in reading and read it on my laptop. However, I am also that person who is constantly asking for help on how to use my “Smart” phone. Bottom line is we all need to learn how to navigate the world of technology.
I am currently back at National Louis University seeking to complete my BA in Early Childhood Practice. As a Preschool Director, I come across many difficulties when using technology at work. I realize I will need to learn more about technology to do and make my job easier, and that is what I hope to get out of this course. There are many things a preschool director does weekly for the entire school. I can think of a few things right off the bat that I know will improve for the better after taking TIE 300: Introduction to Technology in the Classroom. Every week I send out parent and staff memos. Now that I am learning how to blog, I know I can make my weekly memos graphically more interesting and appealing. I conduct staff development days that I mostly use handouts and boards for. I prefer our staff development meetings to be more fun, interactive and hands on. But, this class can hopefully teach me how to incorporate the computer into my meetings more often and in ways that I don’t already know, like PowerPoint. Social media has come a long way in the Early Childhood field. Owners want their administrative staff to use more social media to promote the school and its brand. I am thinking weekly tweets on Twitter about our school’s achievements will help promote our school and give parents another outlet to connect with their child’s school.
This class has already been a lot of fun and very interesting! Not like any class I have ever taken. It is exciting to hopefully add to the list of technological abilities on my resume.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Trial Post

Last weekend I went to a party that had almost a thousand people in attendance. My family, friends and I drank, danced and had a wonderful time!